I’ve been working on a save system for a level editor. I have an issue where the Enemy blueprint I spawn doesn’t have an event tick, or is not accessing movement inputs
This is what the blueprint looks like while simulating, after it’s been spawned. Gravity also does not seem to affect the actor either. Also this does occur even when I simply spawn the actor at a location.
I’m sorry i’m not even sure what questions to ask.
As for your questions:
It is not a pawn
It does not get possessed
I’m not sure what kind of controller it uses
And it’s a character actor, I did it that way for the inherited movement
It’s a character actor class, so I could use the movement system. It is not possessed during play either. When I spawn it it just doesn’t move. It does however create overlap events.
Is the newly spawned actor a type of Pawn? If so, does it ever get Possessed? If so, what kind of Controller possesses it? Also what kind of Pawn is it if it is a Pawn?
Got it.
Character class is a child class of Pawn which is a child class of Actor. So not all Pawns are Characters but all Characters are Pawns, so I was wondering if you were using a Character type of Pawn or a Basic Pawn. I see you’re using a Character Pawn, which makes it wayyy different.
In order to receive Input events directly, a Pawn of any type must be Possessed by a PlayerController of some kind. If you’re never Possessing it, you can’t control it.
Oh but wait I see better what you’re doing now. You are using Add Input Vector so it should be moving even without a controller to receive Inputs. You’re not trying to control it with the player. It’s an enemy. Hah. Silly me.
Also, it should still be affected by gravity even if it’s not possessed. So I’m afraid I haven’t really given you any good advice yet. Sorry. I’m not sure what the deal is.
Is the Character’s Movement Component set to use the WALKING movement mode?
I know I’m super late here, but I wanted to contribute my solution for anyone else with this problem.
Like mentioned above, any pawn needs a controller (in this case, an AIController). However, by default, controllers possess pawns when they are added to the scene by hand.
By going into the details panel, you can enable the controller possessing on spawn. Fixed it for me!