Spawn BP Item on Level Load HELP

So I have many items that when you overlap them they are attached to different player sockets, for example when you overlap a sword on the ground it’s put in the hand socket, when you overlap a ring it’s added to the finger socket, great, all works.

What I am trying to do is when the game loads the player automatically has a shield on his back.


In the last node, AttachActorToComponent I think I need to drag off from parent and set it to the Shield but when I drag from there and type shield nothing pops up. Also when I first create the AttachActorToComponent node the parent is auto generated to a “forest cue” sound file (a file I have in game that plays pretty sounds when walking through a forest area, not sure why this is being attached to the parent node by default, I delete it and try changing it to shield but nothing pops up)

Anyone know what I should be doing here?

Shield I assume is part of the player blueprint. So get the player character, cast it to your blueprint class, and then get the mesh from that, feeding it into the In Parent node.

EDIT: I misread partly. Shield1 is a socket on the player mesh as I understand it now, so “Shield” as a In Parent is wrong, just get the player mesh as described above, and feed that in.

OK, I created a new “Get Player Character” node and attached that to the new “Cast to Shield” node, plugged it in to the class section of the node, doing so automatically created a “Get Class” node in between them. I then dragged off the “Get Player Character” node and typed “Get Mesh” then ran that to parent. Save all / compile - play in editor, shield is still not attached when starting the game. I then went crazy attaching all nodes to anything I could and tried it 10 different ways with no luck. Here is where I am so far, is this what you meant?

Have you tried it without the GetClass and Cast to Shield, putting in the shield class manually like you had it, with just the mesh going to the In Parent node?
What you have currently is trying to cast the player to a shield which is not going to succeed.

Great! Thanks for the tip about deleting those 2 nodes, here is the final BP if anyone else ever needs this and finds it via searching these forums, and everything works properly! You are amazing, many thanks!


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