Hello! In a current game project I am working on, we want to be able to spawn a blueprint actor identical to the one that has been hit with a ray hit result. I.e. we can get the blueprint generated _C class from GetClass() and the path from GetFullName() (BlueprintGeneratedClass /blah/blah/blah_C). But SpawnActor generates a nullreference and any fiddling with ConstructorHelpers doesn’t work, of course, since this takes place in a non-constructor function. There are several different objects, all derived from a certain base class, so it’s not possible to have a gigantic array with all the types that are possible and sit and match with them.
Is there any way of spawning an object when you already know the class references etc, for a blueprint class? I mean it’s right there, it has been hit by a ray and we have the name, how do we make another one? XD It’s now 3:20 AM and I still can’t figure it out, please help!