Spawn actor in a different world?

I’m using a widget that is indluced inside Editor Utility Widget. As a result my widget is in a different world than the game when I launch PIE.
In the widget I want to spawn an AI in the PIE but it doesn’t work. I think that the reason is that SpawnActor uses the same world as the parent object, so in this case the widget that is in a different world.
How can I spawn the AI in the PIE session’s world?

You can spawn a character from your utility widget into the level in the editor, and the press play.

Or you can spawn a character at runtime from a user widget.

I want that second option.

Ok, so you just make a widget, that when you press a butt, calls ‘spawn actor of class’.

Yeah, that is not working for me. I double checked the params and everything is fine. The problem seems to be that the widget is inside Editor Utility Widget. When I run it there it doesn’t work. When I make the widget ingame it works fine.