Spawn Actor from ActorClass

I have written a class and now i want to extend it using blueprints.

The class i have written inherits from AActor. Also i contains these lines.

        UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Chessia")
        TSubclassOf<class AChessPiece> Queen;

AChessPiece class also inherits from AActor class. From blueprint i want to spawn new instances of this class.

It looks like this

There is no “Spawn Actor from Class” function. Am i doing somerhing wrong? Why can’t i see “spawn actor” function?

So, my mistake is i was using it from construction script. That was my mistake. You can only use “Spawn Actor” function in game it seems. Also you can not create new instances from construction script.

But you can create new instances of static meshes using “Add Instance” function