I want to spawn an actor at the point my Pawn is running into a wall, but i need it to be flat on the wall.
I can’t get the rotation correct as the player is sometimes at an angle with the wall and I have no idea how to get this to work.
Im fairly sure it’s using the Hit Location / Normal… But I have no idea how
There are two different locations returned from a hit struct. One may be offset from the wall slightly. Experiment with both until you find what works. To get the angle, you need to plug the normal into a make rot from _ node. The resulting rotator can be used to orient the actor. Try each of the x, y, and z components until you get one that is oriented correctly.
As in the make rot from xy (etc…) nodes?
They need 2 inputs… what would be my second ?
Cheers, make rot from X, is what I needed!