I made a blueprint that shoots a timed fireball exploding in 3 sec, then it should spawn a blueprint which spawns a swordfall particle system and damages enemies swords hit and destroy the actor in 5 sec. PROBLEM: I fire the ball, turn my back to the ball, ball explodes… waiting more than 5 sec, turning back and watching the swords while they fall… and then destroy actor comes in. (even collide detection and damaging comes late while not looking (blueprint)… not just the particle system. (I already unchecked “collide only if visible”))
Edit: It Spawns the blueprint actor, but the actor does nothing from the event viewer while not looking
THIS ONE IS THE PROBLEM —>2nd Edit: lel… idk what really is happening but tested with print string, it does spawn the actor and does what’s there to be done (fixed some noob fails) , but it still doesn’t spawn the particle system while not looking