I have made a beam, and I want to to spawn only ONE time. Instead, it spawns, disappears and respawns again.
this is the beam, please help me with this.
please help
Is the Emitter loop set to 1?
Ceck this link: link text
I just set it now to 1 and it still doesnt work. It respawns nonstop.
In cascade, the beam loops with pause between emissions. It loops there for obvious reasons.
So, try put one in the world and see if the loops continues. I bet it will only do once.
It continues
You have two solutions - dirty and correct. Correct solution is to set loop to off and more important I’m sure - lifetime (particle settings). Dirty solution, you can destroy emitter after some time from activating.
I use both solutions. For test only I’m sometimes just destroying emitters, but for production I have correct lifetime and loop settings in particle.
During gameplay? How is the system created? Is it spawned, is it a component of a BP?
Can you take a screenshot of the “required” module of the system, namely the “Duration” section. Also of the “Lifetime” module.
PS: The best way would be for you to send us the asset itself.
Guys I have successfully destroyed it after it completes. There is aproblem though.
In the lifetime I set it to 0.05 seconds, but it shows for 1 second and then gets destroyed. Why is that?