Sparkles / crash bug?

I was told that this means the graphics card is failing. Maybe that’s true. (Only happens in TM and UE.) I have seen some reports of this happening in Skyrim.

I believe it’s a bug since I’m not experiencing any other issues in other software, and re-installing Windows seems to have made a slight improvement.I don’t know for sure though so don’t want to submit as a bug yet.


When this first happened, it locked up my computer completely and required a hard restart. Started as small sparkles and then ended up how it looks in the screenshot.

I reinstalled Windows as I got some Windows update bugs (different story) and after trying TM again, I still get the sparkles - BUT - it doesn’t lock up my computer, and I get a crash report out of it.
FWIW the error is:


[And I found some discussion here.][1]

Not sure how best to troubleshoot this as I haven’t run into the issue before, and have found very little online.

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I’ve had this issue for a long time now in Unreal Engine 5.

Please can someone help solve this issue. Lumen related.