SpaceMouse 3D Connexion

So I am new to Unreal Engine but I use Spacemouse in many other applications. 6 axis controllers are now becoming ubiquitous in 3D tools. I read through the forum and compatibility with Spacemouse has been discussed for a full two years. So I thought I would bring it up again. This kind of functionality is getting to be a requirement in software tools of this nature, are there any current efforts to make this happen?
Signed, Curious in California.

A certain DAVID MÓRÁSZ has written a SpaceMouse plugin for UE4.22. His website:

You can download the plugin here: GitHub - microdee/UE4-SpaceMouse: Control Viewport cameras with 3DConnexion SpaceMice, using HID directly..

It’s not perfect (I miss the dominant feature for instance) but it works!