Space Shooter 2D Kit

Available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace

The Space Shooter 2D Kit is an easy to use template for creating top down space shooter type of games in 2D!

It supports both desktop and mobile platforms. Tested on Windows, Mac OS and Android.

The template is created using Blueprints and allows easy customization.

The player has to avoid and shoot enemies while collecting several pickups (nukes, shields and more).
The game includes multiple types of enemies, which can easily be extended.
Example animations, sound effects and background music are provided.

Features include:

  • Different types of enemies, pickups and weapon types
  • Special weapon
  • Scrolling background,
  • Spawners for enemies, pickup and waves of enemies
  • Systems for health, score and save/load functionality
  • And much more.

For a complete overview, see the website features page

The template is maintained and open for suggestions

Further documentation is available on the website

All feedback is welcomed! :slight_smile: