Space Ship Simulator help (Novice)

Hello! I’m trying to make a little game where one person drives a space ship and another person runs around patching the thing up and things go wrong. I’m familiar with Visual Scripting, and Maya, but I can’t seem to get this to work.

My issue is this: I made a simple maya model (A with within a box, really) so that someone can run around inside. Sadly, I can’t figure out how to get people into the thing/spawn inside of it. Any help? Thanks guys!

Hi! I’m currently working on a very similar project but within VR however have not been able to test it with anyone yet. How are you currently implementing it spawning in other people?

Use a player start inside of it. If that don’t work and you cannot move or cannot go inside, try disabling the collisions for the box that you made and see if thats the problem.
If it is then open the imported mesh by double clicking it and try mixture with the collisions, i cant remember out of my head where to go in that menu, but i am sure there are some youtube tutorials on mesh collisionsetups.

Or you could have collisionsdisabled and add some blockingVolumes just for testing.

Hey, I got it to work this way first you will have to create a new actor and name it SpawnPoint or anything that fits for you, then go and attach that actor to your Spaceship BP which will also give you the ability to move the SpawnPoint around where ever you need it. next, you will have to go into your Character and add some logic look at the pictures below.


For collisions its always good to include boxes within the program you are modelling it with. Use the following guidelines:

Be careful when using UBX as it connects the outer vertices to make a collision model thus could have unwanted collisions occuring…

There is also an option in the toolbar to show simple collisions in your model to show your collision boxes

I found this video for collision boxes useful: