Space Locomotion in VR

Hi guys! This template is great! You can climb in virtual reality,
I have modified it to zero gravity to use it as locomotion in space and I would like to cling and push in various directions,
however when I go to push no movement is applied, someone could suggest how to modify it?

Please help me!! Thank you!…mbing-template

Hey, I just happened to notice your post came up in a search I was doing… And I think I can help!
If you’re still interested in “Space Locomotion”, check out this template I’ve been working on:…pdated-1-23-19

It’s a little messy, but I think it does basically what you’re trying to do. Might get you going in the right direction.

There’s a lot that my template does, to try to replicate Echo Arena’s movement, but the important part I had to do, to achieve what you’re trying to do is this:

When the player grabs a wall, first it kills their existing velocity and saves a variable of the Right or Left Grab Location, for the next part, and also sets a Bool true that tells the next script to run on EventTick. That moves the player pawn’s root object around relative to the new hand movement, while the player’s hand stays stationary grabbing that wall. See first image.
Then, when the player lets go of a wall, it turns that Bool false to stop the EventTick part from running, and launches the player using the existing velocity of their head, which was being moved by the player by that EventTick script. See second image.

Also, make sure your pawn’s root is a physics object with gravity turned off, tho I assume you know that. You can check out my template if you need an example for how things are setup.

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hey guys, is that template still available somewhere?

I think you can set the gravity of the capsule/vr player to 0 which would represent space gravity