Hi there!
Im creating 6DOF space game, and i need some help with making specific in-game store, where you can buy components to a ship. It needs a ship mesh inside of hangar, so there are mine questions:
- How can I make special Hangar level with shop inside? I mean, with icons of different types of upgrade system (weaponry, hulls, shields)?
- How can I make in-game currency and display it on the HUD?
- How can I make scrolling bar of item icons at the bottom of the screen?
- How can I add elements of space ship (like turrets or additional wings) via shop icon, and how to set a price for each? And if I bought specific item and add it to the ship system, not only in the hangar level but also in rest of Hangar and Space levels (i mean how to “save” current ship state to be accessed in all of the levels)?
- How can I make Store and Equipment section for items to purchase, and those that are already bought?
- How can I leave the Hangar in specific space station in current space system (for example, If im in sector A, and enter space station hangar in this sector, but i started game in sector B, what i must do if I want to spawn ship in front of space station in sector A, rather than magically returning to sector B?)
- If I will make an upgrade or degrade system for mine ship mesh (for example upgrading fighter to a destroyer or vice versa), will it reset to the default ship mesh after changing a level?
- How can I modify real time drag by buying new components to a ship?
- How can I add modyfying parameters to mine ship after buying a component in shop (like increasing hull by upgrading hull type, increase velocity by adding new engines, increase ships firepower by adding new cannons and so on)?
- How can I add special ammo types (for example, Ion ammunition destroys ship’s shields faster, Laser better damages the hull) and speciality system for each weapon (for example, minigun will split bullets very fast, mining cannon will damage asteroids better, rocket launchers will fire rockets?
- How to make auto aiming for ship cannons (like in Battlefront, when you play as starfighter, if you fire on the enemy ship, the lasers will find their way in certain area in front of player)?
- How can I add lock-on missiles that will follow enemy?
- How can I add two types of health (one for shields, one for health), and how can i set specific type of weapon for example to pierce shield and strike ship directly?
- How can I make procedurally generated enemies with random parts of ship, and make them spawn across the space system?
- How can I set AI to move around in space and attack player and other ships if they are aggresive?
- How can I define guilds and they behaviour against other ships (for example pirates will attack player and other ships, neutral NPC’s will attack player when provoked)?
- How can I add engine glow (lesser if not moving, greater while moving?)
- And for the last, how can I make mineral system (when ship or asteroid is destroyed, it leaves container with some materials, that can be used to craft new items)? And how to make a crafting system in Hangar?
I know that’s a lot of questions, but i want mine game to be as much detailed as possible. Those are key elements of the game, and i need to know its functioning, if I want to make successful space game, without C++ (because i don’t know how this works at all).
I hope that answers will be written really soon!