Space Combat Simulator

Hi all. I’m making a space combat simulator in the vein of x wing and tie fighter. I’m trying to work out a targeting system using keys. T = Target, H = Hostiles. Can anyone point me in the direction of some helpful tutorials, or give me some advice? Any help would be appreciated.

Hello, Neo,

I’m going to need you to be VEEERRRRRYYYYY specific about what you’re asking for.

Can you rephrase the question? Vagueness is not your friend here. (102.4 KB)

H and T target the closest actor matching their tags

You can pass in the returned actor into a current target / current hostile variable if you need to remember it (to add a target hud etc)

If you need to toggle targets then you can return the array from the sphere cast and promote it to a variable (gathered targets) and then with a key you can increase the index of the array to get it’s element until you get the last element, then just loop back to the first element.

Hi. I want to be able to target any object with the T key. Hostile enemy craft will be the H key. I’m not sure if this can be done using key bindings or in blueprints. I’m also going to create access to ship systems. G =guns. S = shields. W = warheads. I want to have throttle settings that will allow me to increase/decrease throttle. 1=1/4. 2=half. 3=3/4. 4=full throttle. I like the simplicity of the old X wing and Tie Fighter games, and want to use them as a template.



Wow! Thanks very much. This is very comprehensive. I’m going to see if I can work it out. Thank you for being so helpful.

