Hello there. I’m working on the Space Combat Kit, a 100% blueprint kit which will feature everything you need to get started making your own space combat game. You can check out my website here: https://spacecombatkit.wordpress.com/
Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/SpaceCombatKit/
The kit also incudes models exclusive to this kit from MSGDI, who’s work you can check out here: msgamedevelopment | CGTrader
The kit is designed so it’s very easy to add new turrets, fighters or capital ships with different weapons loadouts.
Update: Hey guys! The kit is almost ready, I’m currently finishing the documentation and collecting some marketing screenshots which are required to submit, as well as dealing with the last few bugs.
In the meantime, I’ve had requests to put the kit up for sale early, and since I could use some feedback, I’ve decided to do so.
You can now find it for purchase here: https://sellfy.com/p/qGCl/
Current Feature List:
Firelance](https://spacecombatkit.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/firelanceperspective.png) Capital Ship (model and ShipCapital blueprint - follow splines, or control them directly)
Hawk](https://spacecombatkit.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/hawkperspective1.png) Fighter Ship (model and ShipFighter blueprint - 6DoF movement - third person or cockpit view)
Fighter AI - including avoidance for obstacles
Spline Follower Component - to make capital ships (or anything else you add it too) follow preset flight paths
Turrets - 3 animated turrets and 4 types of AI included (anti-fighter, anti-capital, anti-all, and parentcontrolled)
Weapons - Animated cannons, miniguns, missile launchers and torpedos all included - meshes and blueprints
Instanced Destructible Asteroid Field - spawns hundreds to thousands of destructible instanced asteroids before hurting performance plus six asteroids included
SpaceScape - several premade SpaceScapes (Free program to make your own space backgrounds) and a skybox blueprint with optional asteroids
Cockpit - Interactive joystick included, as well as modular buttons and panels you can add and tie to your own variables
Example Game Mode - Join the space pirates or space cops, and spawn in that teams capital ships animated hangar. AI will spawn too. Take out the enemy teams capital!
BP_ObjectiveMarker - 3D objective marker. Defaults to show friendly and enemy fighters and turrets. Can be disabled or attached to anything else, it’s color changed.
Aim Prediction - Target enemy fighters and get a reticule that positions itself based on where you should fire given the speed of your weapons and target velocity. Highly accurate!
Full VR Support
Replication - 90% there. Ships and weapons are all replicated, as is spawning. Not included is the option to join/host servers, but I can set you up with a video on how to do that if you like. I would like to add this option in the near future so the kit is just good to go for multiplayer stuff.
Current Status: Cleaning up and tidying up the blueprints before submission, also creating required marketing and tutorial/documentation material
Also working on adding different flight styles - right now there is impulse (W moves you forward but if you don’t hold it you slow down) and throttle (W increases your desired speed, and your ship will then maintain that speed). I’m looking into adding physics based ships. Right now ships use the Character Movement component for the various features it has, like excellent replication and simplicity/understandability. I also have included my own movement component you can add to create your own flight, but considering the many benefits of the Character Movement component, it’s not recommended)
You can view my first tutorial on adding in a new ship (mesh and materials) here: Setting up a Fighter P1 - Meshes and Materials - UE4 Space Combat Kit - YouTube
And my tutorial on setting up a new Fighter (Panther*) with weapons here: Setting Up a Fighter P2 - Fighter BP and Weapons - UE4 Space Combat Kit - YouTube
And part one of setting up the Tempest Carrier* mesh and materials here:Scifi Carrier Tempest Setup - Part 1 (mesh&materials) - UE4 Space Combat Kit - YouTube
And part two where the Tempest Carrier* is set up as a flyable capital ship here:
Many more tutorials will be forth coming, that will be short, sweet, and show how modular and interactive the kit is.
Note: In the past I sold an earlier version of this as the Space Combat Starter Kit on sellfy. Because I have a new contract with an artist, I can’t give the new version to people who purchased the old version (anyone who purchases from the epic marketplace is good to go). If you want a no questions asked refund just let me know! I’m also not sure if Epic has a coupon system but I will be looking into getting coupons for anyone who purchased the old version.
*Not included, video meant to both demonstrate how easy it is to swap in your own ship meshes, and advertise MSGDI’s available ships, who made the ships that come with the kit. The Firelance Cruiser and the Hawk Fighter are included with the Space Combat Kit. Other ships from the same artist are available at msgamedevelopment | CGTrader