SP14 (Live) Error

I am trying to update the Epic Games Launcher, but ever time I get to 100% it gives error “SP14 (Live)” trouble shoot launcher page can’t help, any suggestions?

Hi, that error message means a problem accessing the install location for updating files. Could you attach a zip of your log files? You can find then here:

PC: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Logs
Mac: ~\Library\Logs\Unreal Engine\EpicGamesLauncher

You mean to put the the logs files into one .zip file?

Yes please :slight_smile:

Ok done, that. Whats next.

I need you to attach the zip file here so that I can grab them and check for the details of the problem. There’s a little paperclip button to use when you are commenting

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Hi, sorry for the delay. I can confirm from your log files that the Launcher update is being downloading successfully, but when trying to patch the Launcher app bundle it appears to not have access.

Was the launcher installed by a different user to the one you login to?

Are you able to check if your user account has write access to the bundle?

The launcher was installed on my login.
I don’t know if I can check that.

In Finder you should be able to right click on Epic Games Launcher in Applications, and select Get Info. At the bottom there is a Sharing & Permissions section

One workaround would be to remove the Epic Game Launcher bundle from Applications, and download the dmg from www.unrealengine.com again so that you can drag the latest version into Applications.

I changed all the users to be able to read and write but I still get the error.

Yay! But It won’t let me install the new Unreal Editor Update (4.9.1)

Oh! Well, one step at a time :). Will need some new logs for that. Try a few times, then make sure you close the launcher, and follow the steps you did above to attach a zip of the logs folder again.

There will be new ones in the same folder, but no need to figure out which ones are new, just doing the whole folder again is fine

Will I need to use the same logs, or will they be in a separate area

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Here is the log of the most recent time, (I had problems when uploading the whole folder as a zip.)

So apparently it will allow me to update unreal, so I guess case closed.

Ok, well at least you are up and running now :). That log wasn’t one from when your 4.9.1 problem was occurring so I’m unable to see what happened there.

If you do get chance to try uploading more logs than that, it might help us see if there was something we can handle better, but glad you are working now!