Yesterday, I installed P4admin and p4V (perforce). My goal was to log in through the Source control login from UE4 to my local Perforce Server. But the issue i’m encountering is that I get this error each time :
" Error Failed to connect to source control. Check your settings and connection then try again. "
Or “Error Workspace ‘MyProject’ does not map into this project’s directory.”
By the way, my perforce server works great, I can log in without any issues from p4v. So, then, I tried to log in from Visual Studio to my Perforce Server with Source Control Login… And guess what, it works… =_= (The informations filled are the same as UE4 Source control login) :
To resume, when I fill the Workspace field on UE Source Control, I get this error: “Error Workspace ‘MyProject’ does not map into this project’s directory.”
When I don’t, I get this one : " Error Failed to connect to source control. Check your settings and connection then try again. "
And I never see any available workspaces from the select list. Meanwhile, I can log in from Visual studio.
I’m loosing hope, I’m tired and I don’t understand why it doesn’t work, I’m trying to fix it since yesterday. Is something wrong with my UE4 version maybe (4.7.4)?
*"Error Workspace 'MyProject' does not map into this project's directory."*
This is because your UE4 project files and your perforce workspace must be the same directory!
For example:
If your workspace is at:
Then your .uproject file must be at
And you have to use this .uproject file and connect to this workspace.
Error Failed to connect to source control. Check your settings and connection then try again
This one is most likely caused by an offline perforce server.
You can install the perforce server on your local machine but your mates will not be able to submit / checkout etc… if your machine is offline or the perforce server is offline.
I opened a map, made with 4.12 and prgram asked to update to new version.
I can’t connect with the source.
So I tried and restarted - and… can’t remember why… checked my project folder again.
Now I see - 2 folder ProjectName and ProjectName 4.13
That is the solution, because perforce is connected with ProjectFolder.
After I changed, everything was correct.
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I got the same exact issue and in my case it’s intentional. Since I don’t have enough space to have my whole workspace (containing multiple projects), I put one of the project in a symlink directory. My workspace is in a directory inside C: but the project is actually in a directory in the D: drive. This causes a bug inside unreal like Azarus said where UE4 project files and the perforce workspace aren’t in the same directory.
I’ve searched everywhere for a solution and at the moment the only thing I could do is create a new workspace…but it’s really not ideal. As we are setup right now, each person has only one workspace and we want to keep it that way (we have a max workspace amount available).
God I’m so sick of NOTHING WORKING. Can’t find a single answer to a single issue relating to UE4!!! All I wanted to do was work on the same project on two different computers. I have wasted the past two fkn hours doing this. Finally downloaded perforce and it doesn’t work. CAN I GET A BREAK!!!
how about posting your own question so you can get help with it directly. that would be the best way to get help with your exact issue. your basically just necroing old posts and complaining so you cant really expect too much help.
Because nothing will work so what’s the point of asking a question whenill never get it resolved. So I’m just going to vent, because everything is either A) Broken, B) Unrelated to my problem, or C) Going to be explained using heirogliphs and code that I won’t understand. And if I did understand it, it still wouldn’t be the fix!!! This is just my luck with technical issues like these. There is NO fix
Still, asking a question with details (errors you read, things you performed, etc…) will help people better understand your real problem that can help them help you solve your problem.
So I also have the problem only that all the data I entered works for me. But my friend (from whom is the photo). Has problems with the server to verbonen. with p4v it goes but with him also.
My case, uproject in deleted Workspace connected well, but copyed uproject in newly setup Workspaec e resulted no connection. I’ll try to find the cause with more test.