Source control for large files help (no assets to check in)

Edited: Finally got most of git working through sourcetree except I get a “no assets to check in” error when I try to submit changes through the editor. Any suggestions how to fix this please?

I’ve been on a journey these past few days trying to figure out source control and am failing pretty hard at the moment. I did manage to set up git and start making commits, which worked out well until I decided to add in a demo scene to my game and all those large assets made it impossible to commit to git.

I was getting errors that it was over 100mb and to use lfs. Got that to work (I think?) and then I apparently exceeded my quote and got lfs disabled for my whole account because I uploaded too many large files :confused:

HOW are you all using source control with game dev? Just one demo of a forest scene put me over the size limit for lfs apprently. Is there a way around this? Should I use something other than git? Is there anything that’s user friendly?

Many thanks for any suggestions. I just want to back up my project. I feel like it shouldn’t be this difficult.