Source-Compiled UE4 can't find VS 2015

Good morning everyone,

yesterday i built the Github Unreal Engine using the 4.10 branch,zipped and uploaded so my friends could use it.
While everyone is able to create and open C++ projects i can’t : the reason is that UE cannot find Visual Studio 2015,even if it’s installed and 100% working.The fun thing is that the pre-compiled one from Epic launcher can find VS2015.

I even tried reinstalling Windows and installing only VS2015,still says can’t find it.I’ve uploaded a screenshot so you can see the message clearly.
Any Suggestion?I am using the community edition from .

Thank you everyone for your time and sorry for my bad english.

I reproduced this problem in the Master branch as well. Seems to be a bug in the source code access code.

Anything on this bug?Has it been fixed?

Please let me know as downloading and compiling the engine is kinda slow there :slight_smile:


It probably gonna be fixed in next stable release or in 4.11 at most. I gonna move this to bug raports

In mean time you might try import or even just copy assets from template forders manually, it might work

Hey iSpakkio-

I apologize for the late reply, have you been able to make a code project in either 4.10.1 or 4.10.2 or the 4.11 previews? Can you also make sure that the Visual C++ and Common Tools were installed when installing Visual Studio? This can be done by finding the program in the Uninstall a program window of the control panel and choosing to modify the install.


Seems like it was fixed as no longer i have this problem.

Thanks anyways tho :slight_smile: