Source-built Engine/Editor crash does not open Crash Reporter

I’m using a source build of UE 5.1.1.

Ever since I started using the source build, UE no longer opens the Crash Reporter window when the editor crashes. Instead, I only get this super unhelpful message:

It doesn’t show what file/line caused the crash, no call stack, nothing. Just says “Fatal error!”.

When I was using the Epic Games Launcher version of UE, UE’s Crash Reporter appeared as expected. I’d like to have that same functionality in my current source build of UE.

What I’ve Tried:
I’ve tried enabling the “Include Crash Reporter” setting in Project Settings. The Crash Reporter still never opens.

I’m not looking for what may cause my project(s) to crash. I’m asking how I can get the Crash Reporter to open when the Editor crashes.
Additionally, when the Editor does crash, it’s because of a problem with my game’s C++ code. Fixing the problem prevents the crash altogether as expected, it’s just a lot harder to fix problems without the Crash Reporter’s info.

I have this same issue. Does anyone know?

Got it!
Turns out that building the engine from source does not include the Crash Reporter. The Crash Reporter is built separately.

I opened the engine’s VS solution, and found and built the CrashReportClient and CrashReportClientEditor projects.

The Crash Reporter now opens after crashes as expected!

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