Source Build in Visual Studio Breaks Platforms Selection in Editor

I finally figured out what breaks my Platform selection in the Unreal Editor but need help fixing it. If I click on Platforms, it will have all of my available platforms but it will say (Querying…) next to them.


If I try to package, it will say my SDK is not set up.

This happens when I build my project from a custom source in Visual Studio. I close the Unreal Engine Editor, I select my project in Visual Studio and just build my project. I notice that when I just build my project, is still builds the following projects:

  • EpicGames.UBA
  • EpicGames.Oodle
  • EpicGames.OIDC
  • EpicGames.Core
  • some other EpicGames.x projects.

Now when I open the Unreal Engine Editor again, I have the Platform problem and it does not get resolved until I reboot. I’m assuming Visual Studio is holding on to these DLLs that are genderated by building the EpicGames.x projects above and rebooting clears it (closing Visual Studio does not fix it).

My question is, if I am just building my project, why does it have to build these other projects too, which is causing my issue?

In Visual Studio, I was clicking on Build Project instead of Build Only Project… A subtle difference but now it doesn’t build the projects I mentioned, which caused the issue. I no longer have this problem.

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