I’m trying to implement a mute music/sfx toggle in my options menu and pause menu.
Currently I have this done in a really really hacky way. I’m wondering how to do this with sound classes, if I add all my SFX sound cues to the SFX SoundClass how can I set the volume of the SoundClass as a whole so all sounds set to that SoundClass inherit it’s volume?
I can’t find any obvious way to do this… I’m sure I’m just overlooking something though. Any help is appreciated!
I think the way to do it is to make a Master class and then derive sound classes from that.
Then in your sound effects and music and such, you assign them to the different sound classes (There is a field for this when you look at a sound cue’s properties).
Then you can use blueprint to manipulate those. I think that’s how you are supposed to do it.
I ended up doing it a slightly less hacky way with SoundMixes, one with 0 volume and one with 1 volume, and just push/pop accordingly. Still wondering how I would do it if I wanted something like an audio slider.
Rett, I am having the exact same issue. Could you elaborate how you did this with SoundMixes? I’ve found no other way and I have to use the same method. I’d appreciate the help.