Hi there,
I have a (for my skills) rather complicated VR-setup, where I record variables every time my game is played and save them, so they get replayed next time the game is played.
For that I use a save game object, which is working fine (storing and replaying transforms and strings).
My problem now is, that I want to record and replay the player audio (through a VR headset).
I’ve accomplished that with a record submix, storing the sound wave files in my savegame.
It works fine in the editor, when I start and stop the game multiple times.
But if I play, record and close the editor, the sound seems to be gone the next time I open the editor and play.
I checked the length of my sound wave array (which should get one more item each time) and it seems to have the correct number of files,so it seems to store something, but none of them are audible.
Does anybody have an idea what the problem could be?
Does the audio of sound waves not get saved properly? And can I convert it to a wav or something to make it reusable?
I’m really confused, because the problem only appears, if I close the editor in between playing and it only occurs with the sound waves. The transforms and strings are working fine in the same savegame setup.