Sound Replication at Location with exception?

Buenos noches!
I’m currently setting up sound replication for my FPS game. I’ve come across several strange things when I try to test it out. Maybe someone can tell me what’s going on and what is a good way to accomplish what I’m trying to do.

  1. I don’t want to use “play at location” for the player that fires the gun, because when you are walking and shooting, you can bypass your own sound. When moving left or right while shooting, it sounds very strange to have the sound play in your left / right ear only even if the weapon is in front of you.
  2. Even when replicating “play at location” for some strange reason every sound is played as if only the client hears the sound. All sounds are played at full volume when playing as client, but when playing as server, I only hear what the client is supposed to hear. Plus every sound that is played seems to be multiplied, so I hear the sound at different pitches at the same time as if it comes from the same source. I can print the vector from which the sound SHOULD be coming from and they are replicated correctly. Is this a audio problem that occurs because I have both client and server on the same machine running?
  3. So my other problem is how can I tell the replication to play the sound at a location for everyone EXCEPT the player that is actually shooting the gun? So I can have a mix - the player that shoots hears it played without location at full volume and everyone else gets a sound at location.

Also “play attached” would come to mind (which was my first attempt) but that gives me the same problem, I can only hear the sounds as if only the client can hear them - when the server is out of reach of the client to hear anything, I get complete silence. Also shooting and moving still gives a strange stereo effect while shooting, even if the sound is attached to a component.

I’m so thankful for any help!

Well, I guess the exception in networking can be made when I compare the actor to the one who started the server replication process.

However the other issues are unresolvable for me. Is that a UE4 bug? How can I replicate sound at location properly? No matter how I test it, the client is always the one who hears all the sounds.

Am I doing something wrong?

Perhaps the answer to this question might solve your issue.

Also, make sure any sounds you want to play that you want to have spatialized correctly are mono. Stereo sounds will never respect location very well.