Sound not playing when outside attenuation range -- bug?

I have a Metasound with a looping sound, and tried to add attenuation since it’s a sound that’s not always going to be near the player. If I’m inside the attenuation range, it plays fine; I can exit the range, re-enter, and it will still be playing. However, if I’m outside of the range when the sound has supposedly spawned, there is no sound as I enter the range. This does work for non-looping sounds that are contained in the same Metasound, so it’s just the looping sounds encountering this issue.

Other things to note based on reading other forum posts:

  • The one-shot interface has been removed
  • The world-coordinates of the actor/component are set
  • I’ve tried with virtualization set to “Restart” and “Play when silent”
  • I’ve tried with set Attenuation settings, and by using “Override Attenuation Settings”

Not sure what else to try or what I could be missing here.

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hei, I also have the same problem. It seems to me that the Attenuation settings do not work correctly with Metasounds. I would be happy to hear if you or someone else has the solution to this problem.

somone said that this issue was fixed in 5.03. Im going to try it and see if it really works! :smiley: let me know it this fixes it or you too

I don’t think it’s fixed in 5.03, since this issue persists in 5.1 :confused:

Same here. Looks like a bug.

I saw someone mention on the Unreal Slackers Discord that when hovering over the output node, a tooltip pops up that mentions if you have a looping sound you want to continue playing, you have to remove the OneShot interface.

I know a couple of my graphs had loops and one-shots together and that I was attempting to use this interface to affect the one-shots only. I have yet to check if this fixes the issue but I thought I would add that to this thread as a possible solution! Perhaps it’s not a bug after all, just user error on my part :smile:


thank you, I will try this and see if it fixes my problems

I had this issue as well! This interface tweak fixed my problem!

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