Sound Mix Modulator Filters Not Working

I successfully set up a way to control the volume of all the separate sound waves playing in my game using sound a control bus mix populated with a seperate control bus for each sound wave, each control bus being linked to a modulation parameter setup to deal with volume (dB).
Now I need to do the same thing but instead of controlling volume I am controlling a LPF. So I repeated the exact same process but with a new control bus mix called LPFControlBusMix and wired it up the same as I did in my volume control setup.


I populated my control bus mix with new control busses specifically made to deal with a separate LPF.

Control Bus Mix

Each sound waves modulation settings are setup to go to their very own low pass modulator.

Modulation Settings

Each low pass control bus has the same LPFCutoffFrequency modulation parameter in it.

Control Bus & Parameter Modulator

My au.debug.soundmodulators debug command is telling me each control bus is correctly having its LPF normalised frequency set to 0.5 just as my blueprint told it to but when I listen to the audio no such change has been made. I even play around in the editor adjusting the frequency in my control bus mix but no change can be heard.
This is the exact same process I did for setting up my volume control system and that works fine. Are there some extra steps to setting up filter controls using control busses that I am missing?


I am in 4.26.2

I found a temporary solution. It appears that the mix modulation filters don’t work on a sound wave/base file but if I route them to a source bus and then setup the filter modulation there it works. Probably just a bug.

Are you overwriting the LPF modulated in the SWave itself?

Yeah, I think so. I had it setup so the LPF modulation was happening on the sound wave/sound base but after I routed it to a source bus and setup the LPF modulation on the source bus it seemed to work

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