Sound effects missing

There is a lot of small sound effects in my game. After hundreds of sound played in one second, sounds play no more, just like some one mute sound volume, any know how to fix?

Playing hundreds of separate sounds simultaneously is not something the audio engine can handle, it’s not really something any audio engine can handle. You probably don’t want to do that. If it’s for explosions or the like, mixing the small sounds together into one wave in your DAW is probably the way to go. You could also look into solutions people have made to try to do granular synthesis in engine, if that’s what you’re aiming for.

Ideally the audio engine shouldn’t handle that by just stopping, but I’m guessing it got seriously overloaded. Might be coming from your hardware instead, too. Your logs will probably let you know.

same as spawning and destroying a lot of actors all the time is a bad practice and very very consuming. so is playing a lot of sounds…you just CAN’T hear hundred sounds.

you can spool sounds same as actors.
for example…you can have an array of bullet shoot sound spawns (same sound) autodestroy off…(like 3 or 5 items in the array)…and when someone shoots you just play the first one and move it to the end of the array…when next one shoots you repeat the proccess…you will have MAX 3 to 5 simultanoeous shoot sounds and you will not notice if one was playing already and you stopped and triggered again…same for all other sounds in the game that have massive usage.

What Sound Concurrency do? If I play same sound in one second, it will keep 16 of them play at the same time ,right?

Sound Concurrency is used to limit the amount of sounds playing at once. I.e., if you want to ensure no more than 16 sounds in a category are playing at the same time, a Concurrency Group with a limit of 16 could help you with that. It doesn’t do anything to make it easier for the engine to handle playing lots of sounds at once, though - it just stops some of the sounds from playing.

This doc has some brief explanation of how Concurrency works in Unreal - Audio Engine Overview | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation.

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