Sound dropping first samples with new 4.9.0 release

We are using procedural audio to create looping sounds that are used in both semi and full auto. After updating to 4.9.0 the starting sound and the first looping sound or two are getting cut off and only the tail part is being heard. See this video for the example: Single fire issue

Here is a video from last weekend’s build which was on 4.8.3: 4.8.3 with no sound issues

I can see in the code where the procedural buffering is occurring and it is getting copied into the audio device buffers just fine but it is like they are being ignored or dropped and we only get the last part of the sounds to work. You can see in the first video that full auto starts later than it should.

Is there a fix for this or what can we do?

Just confirmed that if we ignore the first 3 calls to GeneratePCMData that it will then work correctly again and still be on time. So you guys will need to fix the engine code as it seems to be ignoring the first 3 buffers.

Here is the fix in our code that we are using to fix this issue:

int32 USquadSoundWaveLooping::GeneratePCMData(uint8* PCMData, const int32 SamplesNeeded)
	if (GeneratePCMDataCount < 3)
		return 0;

I’m having a maybe-similar problem, after updating to 4.9.0 when I play a shot winning music of my game it repeats like the first 0.5 seconds by 3 times then keep playing the music… do you think it will be related? Mine is blueprint only project.

How is your sound cue setup? Is it a procedural sound wave? The double-triple buffering may be related but I have only noticed this with USoundWave objects that have bProcedural = true set.

I’m having the same issue. I noticed too that if I return 0 samples a couple of times it seems to fix it but it seems like a strange fix and causes other audio glitches.

Hey guys,

There was a known issue with Sounds Triggering 3 times when played on an android device. This was originally reported for Android, and could potentially be related to this issue. I mention this because it deals specifically with the sound playing 3 times. This issue has been fixed for an upcoming release and will be integrated when that associated version is officially released.

With that being said, I am going to investigate this issue to see what could be going on with the sounds. Would anyone mind providing me with some screenshots and some reproducible steps to get this occur on my end?

Thank you,

Confirmed fixed in 4.10

Andrew, I could provide you some files so you can reproduce it but I would have to do it under UDN with NDA protection.

If you are a Licensee we can follow up with you there. We also treat the files and projects you share with the utmost discretion, and will never share any of these files.