Hi everyone,
my name is Aurore, I’m 31 and I’m sound designer in video games and animated movies.
I began this job with a six month student placement at Ubisoft Paris-Studio as a Sound Designer Junior, 6 years ago. I had the opportunity to work on Just Dance 3 and Just Dance Japan.
Today I continue to work on other projects while teaching music to children. I’m looking for a stable job as sound designer in video games.
I love adding sound to an image to bring it to life.
I also worked on several projects :
for example :
– French localization on several games : Fallout IV (summer 2015 and 2016) and Mafia 3 (2016) :
– Sound design on games : Drift Into Eternity](Save 50% on Drift Into Eternity on Steam)
Les Arènes de l’Eternité](http://malkyrs.com)…
– Sound editing, sound design on a french medieval-fantastic movie : Les Seigneurs d’Outre Monde](http://lesseigneursdoutremonde.com)