Sound cues not playing / Stopping after HMD disconnects

Whenever the HMD loses tracking for a moment, sound cues are stopping. The only ones that are working are on loop playing through matinee.

This is happening for both “Spawn Sound 2D” and sound cues placed in the level.

This problem started happening recently which leads me to think it has something to do with a newer version of Steam VR. It is possible though that it is a result of my HMD doing this recently and am only noticing now, but I don’t think so.

These sound cues often won’t start on begin play (likely because the HMD isn’t tracking right away).

Any idea on how to fix this? I tried putting the sound cues in their own matinees, but I think this only helps because it’s starting them again. With a song, it just stops entirely.


To add to the mystery, I tried setting a timer to check to see if the song is valid after it stops playing. Turns out it is reading as “IS VALID” even though there is no sound playing. Is there a way to check if the sound is actually playing?


Is there another method to 2d sounds that may work better?