Can any one explain how the Osciallator node works. I have read the only documentation I can find on it here
Basically I want to start by have the oscillator node have no effect on my audio and then tweak from there.
I dont understand Amplitude, is this the amplitude of my audio or the sine wave to modify the frequency. Is the output of this then used as the pitch multiplier for my audio? Or is it used somewhere else.
When I listen to it, the oscillation doesn’t appear continuous. I get one second of oscillation followed by one second of flat line. Is this a bug or me using it wrong.
If you want the oscillator to have no effect on the audio file, leave it as it is (by default alla parameters set to zero or unchecked).
‘Amplitude’ refers to the amplitude of the sine wave generated by the oscillator.
If you choose to modulate the volume or pitch, the wave amplitude values are multiplied by the volume/pitch of your audio file.
It’s because the ‘Center’ setting needs to be calibrated.
I leave you a link to a video I made about this topic. It will definitely help you: