Sorting highscore widgets in a vertical box

I’m working on a project that will have the top 5 scores displayed on a leaderboard.
Im using Rama’s Victory Plugin to store the scores in a file, using the filename as the username and the contents as the score. Currently, im using a vertical box to place the scores into, but i can change that if i need to.

I’m struggling with sorting the items in the vertical box by the Score var stored in the file.

Any help is appreciated!

For anyone looking at this in the future, here’s the code i used to fix it, found on BlueprintUE.

I wonder if Gameplay Tags can be represented by text in a widget so that they are always printed in the proper order on a widget like this one. Widgets can check Gameplay Tag conditions to see if they are filled or not, if I remember correctly. I might be wrong, though.