(Sorta Fixed) Island Extension Issue

Edit 2: OKAY. So after 3 weeks I figured out the issue sort of. Importing the mod directly into my Ark Game Files using the Test Setting Location makes the mod work. Somewhere in uploading / cooking for upload it breaks. Still testing to see if it’s steam or the kit.

Edit 1: I think my problem is linking the foliage to the level Scene Outliner at this point. Unfortunately I can’t figure this out. Still need help.

I made some mods a while back on another PC before it died, just got a new rig that can handle the kit, but I’m doing something wrong.

I have made my mod level in the “IslandSubMaps” Folder and made sure that rocks were painted on that level and saved.

I have the all the resources associated in the Mod Folder with all it’s textures, bps, and settings. I have tried multiple combos of assets just trying to get it all to work.

It’s all saved.
I cook the extension with Cook Island Extension. My first cook was 10 hours-ish on this machine. Followed by multiple cook attempts of a few minutes over the course of 5 days.
Here are my settings with the .png pic at 400x400 pixels and tried Multiple sizes before 1000x1000pixels

It cook successfully every time and updates okay via my id login on steam cmd.

Here’s the Cooked data and Upload data ^

Now somewhere I’m doing something wrong or somethings bugged. I have reinstalled the dev kit once already with the same issue and verified files 3x.
It appears in the workshop and as you can see I tried MULTIPLE VERSIONS but it’s all the same, doesn’t appear in game in Single or multiplayer. And it’s always these repeated weird IDs with a “-” sign before it.
Here’s the Game mod folder v

I’ve wasted so much time on this and I just want to know what I’m or the kit is doing wrong. And no matter what I do the rock do not appear at all. Any advice would be appreciated greatly.

Bump, been trying for a week, still need help