a feature level 5 video card is required to run the editor AvailableFeatureLevel = SM4, ShaderPaltform = PCD3D_SM4
i look for how to solve this problam on net work but i cant find solutions
what video card do you have?
also you should fix the english in your question some may take it the wrong way.
I also have this problem, my video card and intel hd 3000, i7 8mb ram notebook, I saw that it only happens in version 4.19 preview, so in version 4.18.3 everything ok
intel hd 3000 is integrated graphics and not a true dedicated video card. it will never give very good results and i doubt it meets even the minimum standard for using the engine. also notebooks aren’t really supported / advised. check out the system spec page of the wiki for more info.
I also have this problem, my video card is ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO. I need remove this card to trash?)
that card is very outdated. it also from what i can tell doesnt meet the min spec for using the engine. according to the specs i saw it only has 256mb of vram which is way to low, you want to have 2GB minimum in my opinion
Thank’s for answer!