Everytime I’m trying to buy Landscape Auto Material and get to choose between credit card and Paypal it says ‘Sorry, an error occurred and we were unable to resolve it.’ for both options when proceeding.
Any suggestions?
Everytime I’m trying to buy Landscape Auto Material and get to choose between credit card and Paypal it says ‘Sorry, an error occurred and we were unable to resolve it.’ for both options when proceeding.
Any suggestions?
I have the same error here, for the first time (on another asset). No idea where it is coming from, perhaps their servers are temporarily overloaded ?
Same here with the SciFi Adventure Library. Can’t buy it neither with the launcher nor with the the browser.
It seems to have affected only the SciFi Adventure Library asset, I was able to buy other assets today. Very strange
Hi everyone,
I apologize for the delayed response. Are you still experiencing this error? If so, which specific marketplace items are you experiencing this with? Is it just the landscape auto material?
Hi ,
The error was not limited to a single market place item as it involved at least:
SciFi Adventure Library
Landscape Auto Material
Somehow, after some exchanges with technical support (including screenshots), a few days and dozens of attempts on both the Launcher & website, it finally worked: I was able to buy the Sci Fi Adventure Library.
I don’t know if this is correlated, but the problem occurred while the item was on sale.
I’m happy to hear the items in question are no longer providing you this error. For now I’ll mark this as answered for tracking purposes. If you find this occur with another asset, please post back here and I’ll be happy to take another look and see what may be occurring.
I had this issue trying to get the free projects for the UE5 release.
Turned out I wasn’t signed in. After signing in, it worked just fine.
This was all done through a chrome browser.
I have the same error on the asset “City Sample”
I tried that and it helped Thank You Very Much
I have the same error when trying to download the “Create a First-Person Aim Trainer”
Hi. Thanks for your support. I can’t get below learning kit and the page say “Sorry, an error occurred and we were unable to resolve it.”. appreciated if anyone could check it.
1- Unreal learning kit: Game
2- Stylized Character kit: casual 01
Many thanks
Im getting the same error. Seems to be for all free items so far. I tried purchasing directly and adding to cart first. This is what pops up when I click Checkout:
Bump. Same here for Cropout Sample Project
I’m getting this error when I try to checkout with my shopping cart. Trying to checkout with the cropout sample project individually also keeps popping up this error for me.
I have used Mozilla instead of chrome. This helped, I hope it will help you too.
I’m getting the exact same error when trying to download material from Unreal Online Learning.
Thanks so much for sharing that, downloading via Mozilla works for me too. Looks like it’s a browser conflict.