Hi, I’m currently trying to get the current time in my replay, so that I can set a slider bar to that value, and I can have a “-10” and a “+10” button to go 10 seconds behind and forward in my replay. I am working in blueprints, and right now, I am using “execute console command” for other functions like demopause. Please Help!!
To get current time you need to get a global variable called World Delta Seconds.
Its a float variable holding time in seconds.
Thanks, Now how do I get my replay total length? I need to be able to divide my current time by my length to determine the percent of the replay I am at
You need to store it in variable inside persistent object (like Game Instance). Basically, when you play, keep track of time and update total time played (you need to add Delta Seconds every tick to that variable (or, you can assign World Delta Seconds to it at the end of play session, it will contain total time)), and then when you watch replay, just get value of that variable. And if you gonna save replays you need to save it too.
Ok, thanks. I was thinking of making a save game object with an array of custom structures, and then calling variables from those. Thanks for the help, That simple answer helped alot!!!
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