Something wrong in IFC Import

I have imported a IFC model in Unreal Engine, but the model is all messed up and quite a lot of elements are missing. What could be possibly wrong here? It was working fine in UE 5.2, but its not working well in 5.3

Can you share the sample with us?

You mean the IFC File?
Sorry, I can’t do that as its confidential.

Yes, I understand.
Do you have a “toy” example instead: a small non confidential model showing the same issue?

Did this precise model worked in 5.2?
We have changed the library to read the IFC in 5.3, so issue might come from that or how we interface with the library. UE 5.4 Preview 1 should come out in some weeks, with updated version of the library, you could then test if that work with that version.

I have tried to import 2 other IFC models, but they are imported fine in 5.3. Only this specific model is not importing. Yes, this model worked on 5.2.

which software and software version this IFC comes from?

Confidential one comes from ArchiCAD (version unknown). Other 2 came from Revit 2024.

Actually, I also have this problem. I am importing a IFC model generated from Tekla, and it is imported to the UE5.4 through the DataPrep method. Some of the elements are not in the right locations. And when I try it in Navisworks Datasmith plugin, it has the right location, but in this way, it seems hard to read the detailed IFC attribute. So I would like to check what is the problem when importing the IFC file from Tekla via Dataprep method. Thanks.

Anyone still looking at this? Im having the same issues. Revit IFC works fine imported into Unreal Engine 5.3, but any ArchiCAD IFCs have weird translations and rotations, with almost no pattern or reason to be found.