something not right. need help.

i make medipack with only 64 vertices.

its works well in subtance painter. but when i put it in Unreal engine.

its not what i imagined.

this is from substance painter :

this is from UE :

what i must to do to fix this ?

Looks like you have some smoothing errors, not sure if you are considering that the main issue.

Make sure the mesh was triangulated before you imported it to Substance painter, and following this guide, particularly the FBX Mesh Import - Tangent Setup part.…nreal+Engine+4

If you want a lighting setup closer to Substance Painter, use this map that’s included with the starter content on new projects, \Content\StarterContent\Maps\Advanced_Lighting.umap

One last thing, unless you are making a mobile game or a retro game, please use more than 64 verts, it’s not 1998 anymore.

well idk that i must triaangulate my model to substance painter.

now i have to sell my model dirt cheap -_-

the advantages of 64 vert that this model could used for RTS gameplay.

i wonder if people want to buy RTS item.