I suggest everyone who is interested including EPIC staff to watch these videos and think about everything, what is our mission, why we are here and so on. Information based on this is what makes me happy about UE4 freedom too. Gives deep vision and connections why this, why this, why that, future, past, present.
1: Hubble Deep Field, old video from 2006.
2: Cosmos A Spacetime Odyssey.
You can find from online services or blu-ray.
3: Wanderers a short film by Erik Wernquist.v=Q6goNzXrmFs
4: Neil deGrasse Tyson - We Stopped Dreaminghttps://youtube/watch?v=CbIZU8cQWXc
I love astronomy topics… But at the same time I hate the fact that it saddens me a lot;
When seeing that for most people, space exploration is a waste of time and money (after all was god who did it all and we are where he meant us to be, some say) I don’t understand why most ppl don’t understand why space exploration is so important.
‘There’ is obviously where we must go… Earth won’t be here forever, would be a shame if all humanity must go too when Earth is done. (although the terrible state Earth currently is, is mostly our own fault)
True words.
Unfortunately all this starts in school. Now I’m nearly 13 years in school and we never learned anything about astronomy…everything must be learned in university or with the help of the internet. In my opinion that’s pretty sad, because it’s a very interesting and amazing topic
As long as we don’T solve our “problems” about ourselves. it won’t matter whre we go. You can go to another plante, a comet… hell you can go to a paralel dimension. You will bring your meaningless struggles with you and destroy where you go.
Here’s an interesting view of the issues we, humans, face right now and how our ‘scientists’ are dealing with them;
Basically all they care about are resources. “We need resources, we need fuel, we need, we need.”
None of these researches (which focus only on financial agenda because of preasure by those ‘we all know whom’) will actually solve anything. Although they aknowledge what is going on, even people from scientific field are too focused on money and not on finding any real solutions.
I strongly believe that, at some point, what is depicted on some movies like in the more recent Elysium and Interstellar will happen. And after that, only the richer will have pass to Mars and nearby moons until maybe someday our race find a way to live away from our solar system.
(at this point someone reading this think ‘-I’ll be dead by then so I don’t really care’)