Someone knows why or have a link explaining this debug info. For example why an empty level consume 1.7 Gb of nonstreaming mibs?

Here is a screenshots as reference.

Streaming pool is 100% :roll_eyes: there is nothing in the scene. NonStreaming Mips use 1600Mb why?

sorry for insisting, anyone knows how this works?

I’m seeing exactly the same thing - completely new, blank project, and the NonStreaming Mips as 1700+MiB. This seems really weird to me. I’m running 5.0.2 on ArchLinux, if that’s relevant.

encountered same problem when i tried to switch to vulkan rhi. nonstreaming mips increased from 400mb (dx12) to 2000mb - 7000mb (vulkan) in the same map. had to back to dx12 for now.