Log in, check your email address and other details are correct, then change your password. I also suggest you enable two factor authentication and change the password for any email account you use.
These changes will mean that in order to access your account, someone will need to know your epic password and your email password (to get the 2 factor auth code) in order to login.
@phil_Me_up I did I think he constantly has the launcher open
Also make sure you remove any payment options you have saved in your account (if you have any).
The issue of him still having access through the launcher is a major issue Epic needs to deal with, as currently the other person stays logged in even if you change your password. He will eventually get locked out, but it doesn’t happen immediately like it should.
I’ll keep an eye on this thread to see if you get an official response, but there aren’t many Epic staff online during the weekends. If not I will make sure one sees this on Monday, it is an issue that urgently needs to be fixed.