Somebody who has quit school/uni for amateur game developing/developing his own game?

No offense here, , but if you are younger than 22-25, wait a bit before you ruin (or make it harder) your life. Don’t do big decisions because you are bored at school.
For eg. I regret that i was feed up with my uni, and just quit, instead of starting it over but time in direction i like. I just could not stomach starting over from zero.
Now everybody looks at education in CV, also your paycheck is automatically higher if you have degree.

Studying technical subject improves your . Solving physical and math problems helps you to look at a problem abstractly, is very important. I’m graduating after 3 month and getting an engineer-physicist diploma (5.5 years) with an excellence. But the gain is not that I learned how a synchrotron works. I learned how to study, where to look for the information and how to solve problems. is what more experienced guys give to you. It is hard to learn yourself.

In the beginning of year I decided that I want to develop games after graduation, not to build large colliders. Well, I had some experience in gamedev, but that’s not enough to get a job. Now I work hardly on my game at evenings, after studying&working. Well, it goes slowly, because I hate 3D modeling and I don’t have a 3D modeler, so I have to “art” myself :'(. But when I deal with programming gameplay and solving math, it goes well.

If you are not educated, you are going to reach your skills saturation sooner than an educated guy. Simply because the latter thinks wider. In other words, able to solve more complex problems and give more ideas.
I think if everybody who develops games learned only gamedev and some math, there wouldn’t be such a diversity of games.

My advise: don’t quit your university by no means.

P.S. What is your university?

I don’t visit a uni? o.o I never wrote that… sorry for my english

Ok, I misunderstood your question. But anyway, getting into a university and finishing it is reasonable.

Not only reasonable but very important and valuable, at least if you are up to a technical career.

I am not interested tech
I am difficult. Very difficult. :frowning:
I don’t know what i want. Except, that i want to be self-employed with easy bussines ideas.

then game development is probably not for you

But a new game idea can be a good bussines idea too? Why not choose the game branch if there is enough free room for niches?

The only problem here is that life will never go exactly how you want or planned it to.

You want your game idea to grow into a source of income, however nothing comes for free. Where will you get the money to do the things you want to do? Using Kickstarter for example will only work if you have already put in a large amount of work on the game to sell the idea, and there is no garauntee others will even like the idea in the first place.

Having the skills/education required to work in the industry is well worth your time, as boring as it might seem, you need to have something to fall back on when/if your plan of starting your own company fails, or needs to be put on hold for some time.

“Never burn a bridge you intend to cross.” is how you should think of situation, even if it’s never used it is valuable to have further education. :slight_smile:

I think no one in forum will ever tell you that you should quit. We all think that you should get for the education route, you will gain far more than you could imagine.

:smiley: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

You know: now pain no gain :smiley:

In Germany it may be different, but I can tell you first hand in America you will be hard put to find a job you can live off without an education and still have time on the side to develop a game. Not impossible, but not easy.

During the 90s my home computer of choice also happened to be the same kind of machine that filled British school computer rooms.

You were never short for a playtester or 20 :slight_smile:

dont know about ameriaca, in europe (and canada) it appears to be dependent on your experience in that particular field, education or not.
although my education is to a relatively high level, but by a long way not in computer science (apart from that msc i guess)
so aye ok, possibly having some abbreviations to your name may have an influence on what kind of jobs you are likely to get.
take heed, developing and releasing a game will not earn you significant hard cash unless the world becomes obsessed with it, have a backup…
phonic art, Rob Gawthrop, look it up…

and dont get too specialized, even explaining what it is you can do is almost impossible.

I actually went to school to learn how to make video games.
Then I quit school to make video games (and study architecture):stuck_out_tongue:

In Europe we have minimum wage laws and working time directives that actually matter :stuck_out_tongue:

I was hired out of school before I could graduate (BA in Game and Simulation), so I can’t speak from first-hand experience. What I have seen is a lot of people who dropped out while thinking they knew enough about game design to start on their own. Those people didn’t make it, but the people I have seen be successful were either hired out of school, graduated or were working on a game during school that they later published while a student.

Anyway, that’s my two cents.

The only time i would ever recommend is if you have extremely good reason to believe that your game dev skills and intuition are absolutely incredible compared to what they should be at the point you’re at, and you have the drive to learn all of the necessary. is a very rare situation.