Some Vehicle-Struggle

Hey, someone out there who can help me out? I’ve got the following problem with my tracked vehicle. Actually I’m working on the gameplay, so the vehicle is ugly and got no tracks. Just the correct amount of wheels. I’ve got two questions. The first one is: Why got wheel 4 and 5 negative WheelLoad? Some ideas? they are on same Z position as any other wheel and I’m using the same Wheel Class.
The second question is: How can I prevent wheel-suspension on moving along world z-axis? They should only move along vehicle z-axis. For that reason they often glitch into each other if the vehicle goes into wheelie (Need the wheelie, cause it’s gonna be arcade game and there is a boost function for speed. So wheelie for 1 sec will happen). If there is no wheelie-function. the tires often get stuck if the vehicle do jump or driving trough rough terrain.

The WheelLoad is still a problem, but I “fixed” the other problem. The vehicle isn’t get stucked. Its rigid-bodies are falling asleep. I have to wake them up every tick…