Some suggestions for World of Warship-type vehicle games?

So currently UE4’s default UU equals to centimeters.
And the battleship’s size I made in 3DSMAX is actually using the real world size…
Then when I import them into Unreal, its size is like 271001700700…
And then the game world is becoming extremely big…
Like 100000001000000010000000…
And the light importance volume is also extremely big…
And it takes a lot of time to build the lighting

So I wonder is there a way to by pass the problem?

Ah.Thank you.
I think you really point out the exact problem.
I just want to make a few prototypes to demonstrate technology for the following few things.

  1. Large-world (or large curved world)
  2. Realistic waves in terms of both visual and physics that can make the boat rise and falls (I’m going to read some ship-dynamic first)
  3. Foams bursting particle effect when ship is sailing in horrible weather. That maybe need to detect the collision between the ship and the shaded ocean surface
  4. Design a pawn that can make its turret rotate. (I think it maybe best to use attach to put the turret blueprint on the ship? Or just skeletal mesh as a whole)

For the final result I want to create a short clip like this. The art asset of the ship itself is the lowest priority.