Some Questions for using Verse in UEFN: UserWidgets, Material Changing, Class Method List


I have a been going through all the UEFN and Verse documentation today to begin learning, but have a few questions I haven’t been able to find the answers for.

Firstly, I’m wondering how I can use User Widget Blueprints that I create in my project. The only information I can find is constructing UI elements in Verse. I can’t seem to find any about how to implement the Widget blueprints I create. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

Secondly, I’m trying to figure out how to get/set an object’s material. Is there a way to create a dynamic material instance and change its parameters in Verse for example? I really want to make some shapes change colour.

Lastly, I’m wondering if there is a list of all available methods/functions for each unique Fortnite class, such as Fortnite characters. The documentation only mentions a few methods, such as Damage() and Heal(), but I wanted to know where I could find a complete list of all the methods we have access to. (Visual Studio Code always shows the same list of suggestions when writing the code, nothing contextual to the classes)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

  1. This is not currently possible, but is being investigated

  2. I believe the ability to change the material on a prop is coming in a future release

  3. In VS Code you can look at the ‘digest’ files, as they list all currently available API calls. Note that many parameters and functions are not yet exposed.

  • Fortnite.digest.verse
  • UnrealEngine.digest.verse
  • Verse.digest.verse

I know it’s only been a couple of months, but have there been any advances on accessing in verse the widget blueprints created in the editor?

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Please add these functionalities

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To your second question: You could potentially use a material parameter collection track in a cinemtic sequence and set the PlaybackFrame to a certain position and modify the parameter in the cinematic sequence. We use this for some advanced UI modifications. Very hacky though…

If you look at that video:

You see that you can abuse the HUD Message Device to display your custom UI Widgets.

It also shows the material parameter edit by cinematic sequence that dominkfaber mentioned.

It is very sadly very hacky, but that is UEFN.