Alright, I am back with some more questions about source control. In fact, we are completely restarting on a new game because of P4V being annoying. So if I’m correct, all we need to do now that we’ve created our new project is load it up into the depot correct? And then I need to get latest revision? Now what happens when we start to use starter content? Instead of my partner uploading starter content to the depot, can I just upload it since I have faster internet despite him hosting the project?
And we plan on making an open world game, so what happens when there is a 100 MB .umap file and it keeps failing for him to upload it? But I suppose another question is, how likely is it for our .umap to get into the 100’s of MBs?
You can set up a checkout (at least in subversion) so that one person has some files but not the others (so you can manage the starter content if you want to, and your partner can ignore those files when updating)
As for the map size, It is very possible for a map to grow very large (100s of MBs), especially with baked lighting and many assets in scene.
One way to counter having to upload mega maps like this everytime something changes is to ‘chunk up’ the level with streaming levels instead. This way, when a change is made to the level, it will only need to re-upload the streaming level instead of a giant level file.