Some Levels Questions

Hello :),

In my project, I have 10 maps. I have the beginning, the end, a stairwell map, a stairwell map with a door at the end.
What I would like to do is :

  1. Start with the beginning map
  2. Generate randomly, 1-4 time the stairwell map
  3. Affter the stairwell map, add the stairwell map with the door (increment a counter)
  4. If counter==10 then
    Open the door of the last level
    When I open this door choose one level map (each map can be chose a single time)
    jump to 2)

But Is this possible with no loading screen (after the first one) and how could i do that ?


Perhaps streaming levels might be an option? A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

Thank you ! :slight_smile: it seems to be what I want, I’ll try this solution :slight_smile: