I have some error with my widget blueprint Pls tell me How to fix it. TY.
I guess you’re trying to turn off the sound when its parent is already destroyed. Try deactivating it somewhere earlier in the execution chain.
I don’t see the entire blueprint, so I can’t. It must be placed somewhere BEFORE you destroy the actor that holds this audio component.
Can u show me where i should place it?I’m newbie :,(
“attempted to access … pending kill” is usually due to the blueprint trying to call an object that no longer exists or will be destroyed shortly. most of the time you can get around this issue if you use an “is valid” node
(not the fuction “isValid”, but the ? one) in front of anything you’re trying to access that might be destroyed at some point.
so in your bp i guess you cloud try dragging out of the “s” variable and check if it’s valid before “Deactivate”