Some bugs


I’m new user to UE 5.1, and to UE in general. It’s pretty nice, thought way too convoluted for what it is suppose to be. However, there is so many glitches and bugs i don’t know if I can handle anything bigger then single scene. I’ve already reported them, but I wish to post them here to for archivisation.

12700h 3070ti 32gb ram

No ability to select single or multiple foliage instances with SELECT or LASSO. If selection is working however, it will select previously placed mesh always. Things usually work on start of the project but quickly deteriorate. Next, meshes and materials - when opening up material or materials windows, all meshes are always black, with black ground floor. when applying material mesh sometimes becomes white in those windows. Also mesh icons not always display properly and sometimes mesh is being shown instead of sphere but more often then not they just black squares. Landscape editor stopped showing the cursor sphere and now it is only glitching ground. Restarting doesn’t help. Landscape ground is also often glitching, flickering with some random figures. Turning landscape into ninite mesh result in landscape despairing.

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